I'm knitting an sleeve in beige alpaca, the color is a bit boring, but the texture is amazing. It's for my knitting meetup on Wednesday, we are just two, but proud to knit in public.
My order from Material Girls arrived faster than I expected, and they have a sale on some Amy Butler patterns, so somebody is going to receive a Velma bag for Xmas.
And I also wanted to show my 2005 Agenda, i s a gift from my dad that went to Lisboa last weekend, it's from the Selo-fan store, of the Portuguese Postal Office (not available online yet), it depicts old toys mostly portuguese, and it's very beautiful. I think that you'll get to see more in this blog.
Just thought you would love to know that there is a free NEW pattern of amy butler fabric in this months issue of better homes and gardens quilters mag......IT IS GREAT!! Also .....the mag gives a place to purchase this cute lil kit that has everything to make the bag ( www.mygreenvelvet.com ) not to mention the store is wonderful as well :) its great great great
Posted by: brice | October 05, 2005 at 12:45 PM