I have just started reading "The Joy of Knitting" by Lisa R. Myers. So far I like it very much.
When I arrived to the end of chapter two (named: A Feminist History of Knitting", I just love it) I found the Möbius Scarf. A project that after reading a couple of times I still couldn't figure it out in my head. But I tought that the instructions would work once I put my hands on it. I didn't own circular needles, so at coffe break I went to a Yarn store that it's close to my workplace and bought the needles and a skein of Polar (Valeria di Roma)
I have enjoyed very much knitting with my circular on this project. I found it quite relaxing.
The picture is quite wierd. One reason for this is that it's a direct Scan... I'm at work. The other thing is that the scarf is still on the needles, not finished yet so it looks stiff. Other reason for the siffness can be that in that store the yarnlady always sells bulky yarn and very thin needles. I don't know why, but I never walked out of that store with a couple of needles that teamed the yarn, that it's why I stopped going to the store, well and also because it's a crazy store with bags piling on the floor, it's even hard to enter. I know that she has nice wool but it's like a treasure hunt. And well the third reason for the stiffness look is that I was so eager to try the method that I just started with a hundred of stitches, instead of the 200 of the project. So It's as little as I could manage with this yarns and this needles. I think that it will fit a toddler, so I can give it to my niece.
I liked the experience so much that I will like to try one for myself. And I highly recommend people that doesn't have tried circular needles to do it..
There are some free patterns on the net for this easy (once you get to manage those needles) and fun project. Planet Shoup has three knitting patterns for a Moebius Scarf. The first one is the closer to the method that I have tried. Other pattern with plain needles is at twinwillowsfarm.com.I have even found a group that discuuses knitting a Moebius Scarf as Soulwork:
"The process of creating the scarf, and the twisted surface of the finished möbius itself, symbolize the precarious balance of our inner and outer selves - how our inner beliefs affect our outward actions (and vice versa), and how it is important to be mindful in both areas of our spiritual path."
Altough I don't know if I have been so enlighted I found it very relaxing and would recommend it for meditation knitting.
Me fascinan las cintas de Moebius. Tráete la bufanda al próximo meetup, por favor.
Posted by: urraca | January 08, 2005 at 08:34 PM
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